Weekly Bits of Wonderful Writing Wisdom #5 – Log Your Writing

Bit #5 – Log Your Writing


Writing is often a seamless fruitless task.  It takes months (sometimes longer) to see your efforts rewarded (yay, publications), but we need to keep track of the writing milestones along the way.  Do not just note the significant writing accomplishments.

To do this, it is essential to log/track your writing.

We pay attention and place more importance on what we track.  How many of you have some sort of fitness tracker?  Do you get frustrated when you exercise and forget to put the tracker on?  Exactly!!!  We want a record of our accomplishments.

When you log your writing, you have a record of your accomplishments.  At the least, keep a record of when you wrote (the date), how long you wrote (the time), what you worked on, and what you need to work on the next time you open that writing task.  

Logging looks different for different people.  I use a writing log (example template here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-3EMcyOTTjnoaiowXkAT_CGAin2Z9Me47Z31Xtzor3o/edit?usp=sharing).

This week, find a way to log the time you spend writing.  Be excited about the milestones you track this week.

(Want to know more…see this video (https://learningengaged.com/your-writing-tracker/).


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