Communicate Purpose to Increase Motivation

  • When students understand the purpose of an activity/assignment/etc., they are more likely to assert effort.
  • Understanding purpose increases motivation, relevancy, and saliency, which leads to greater retention.

Ways to increase the visibility of purpose for our students:

  1. Make the big problem visible
    • Help students understand the impact of what they are doing at the class and industry levels.
    • Identify challenging and overlooked aspects
  2. Increase communication
    • Include a purpose statement on each assignment (a sentence or two is often sufficient).
    • State the purpose for activities in class
      • e.g., “I asked you to discuss the concepts in groups before getting started because I wanted you to…”
      • e.g., “Sport industry leaders use these techniques every day to…”
      • e.g., “Writers use these techniques every day to…”
      • e.g., “Learning how to blend colors is important so…”
      • e.g., “When you reflect on what you just learned…”
  3. Provide examples that support the given purpose
    • How are the knowledge, skills, and values being assessed used in industry?

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