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If you haven’t ever taken a personality test, I highly recommend it.  It gives you great insight into yourself and helps you feel better about your quirks. 🙂  I have taken many as an educator and I am a classic type A or J (depending upon the test) personality.  This means I am very organized and love lists, but almost to a fault as my spontaneity could use some work.
I say this though to justify my need to organize every aspect of my life so things don’t get left out. Â Obviously having a kid has modified that a little and will continue to, but that is what led to the aforementioned cleaning schedule. Â Being a full-time mom, full-time wife, full-time student, and working 20+ hours a week, my house was suffering. Â I created the following cleaning schedule to help myself feel a little productive. Â I’m not saying I follow it daily, but at least when I get the cleaning bug or a block of time, I don’t have to think about what needs to be done. Â Please feel free to use it or modify it to help you.