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Learning of any type requires practice.  For true, engaged learning, it requires deep practice (The Talent Code: Greatness Isn’t Born. It’s Grown. Here’s How – click this link for a great book review ).  The difficult thing about practice is finding time for it.  You would think it would be easy to do something you are interested in, but life often makes it difficult to get to all of the things we want to every day.
To combat the problem of not enough time, I have started using Google Calendar to plan my days. Â Research shows that if you schedule time for the things you want and need to do, you are much more likely to do them.
I schedule everything! Â I know that sounds completely obsessive and restrictive, but it works for me. Â I schedule lunch, date nights, my quiet time with God, exercise, meetings, projects I am working on…everything. Â By doing this, I make sure I stick to my schedule and am much more productive. Â Plus, I don’t feel guilty for doing something for me since it was on my calendar and I planned it. Â Also, if I finish a task early, I can look at my calendar to see if I can move things around, freeing up other times in my day, or just give myself an unexpected break.
Lastly, my calendar has increased my productivity immensely. Â I used to think, “Well, I only have 15 minutes, so it isn’t worth starting anything.” Â Now, I know what I planned to do in that 15-minute block and I tackle it and it is off my list.
My calendar makes me happy and has greatly increased the amount I am able to learn each day.
My calendar for next week: (for larger image -rt click, open image in new tab)