Bit #35 – Academic Crushes

The term crush is used in various ways – Crush soda (popular in the ’80s), CRUSHING IT!, infatuation indicator, etc.
In the writing context, most aspects of the term apply.
- As you continue to build your writing behaviors, start recognizing areas where you are CRUSHING IT!
- Find aspects of writing and writers you are infatuated with.
- And maybe celebrate your writing successes with a Crush soda. 🙂
For today’s bit, we will focus on the infatuation side. Who are the writers you admire?
I have two academic crushes. The first is Michael Wesch (a conversation for a different day), and the second is the fantastic academic writer Helen Sword.
I have mentioned Helen Sword before, but I want to make you aware of the resources she offers to help develop your writing behaviors.
Books (click the links to learn more):
YouTube Channel – Helen’s Word: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuYm6W2-gk9nQc2LTy2uwuA
Which offers:
- Timers
- Professional Development
- Warm-ups
- Editing
- Writing Challenges
- Writing Retreats
Continue to build your writing behaviors by finding people who inspire you to write. Find out what they do to be successful and CRUSH IT! in their writing. Pattern your behaviors after theirs if they work for you. Role models in academia are a MUST!