How is your writing going? Celebrate your successes! AND…Remember, instead of dwelling on what you did not get done last week, schedule the writing time you need this week to move forward.
Bit #14 – Use a Timer
When you schedule a block of writing time, say 30 minutes, for tomorrow, how do you stay on track? When you separate your generating and editing, dedicating time to each task, how do you make sure you do not waste time watching the clock during the task?
The trick is to USE A TIMER! 🙂
Whether you are using a timed writing technique (like the Pomodoro Technique) or just maximizing your scheduled time, a timer helps you focus on your writing and not on all of the other things you need to accomplish.
Furthermore, if you are not looking forward to your scheduled writing time (that happens to all of us), a timer can help change your mindset (e.g., “I don’t want to write. I only have to write for 30 minutes today. I can do anything for 30 minutes.”).
If you are not currently using a timer, try it today (your smartphone probably has a great built-in timer). Get ready to write (check what you have scheduled to write, open up everything you need), turn off distractions, set your timer, and WRITE. You will be amazed at how fast the timer will go off, and you can celebrate your accomplishments.