Bit #26 – Schedule Your Writing

You’ve heard me say (possibly multiple times by now) that scheduling writing time each week is one of the most important things you can do to increase your writing productivity. Our time is one of the most valuable things we possess, and we must continually strive to control our time instead of allowing our time (or lack of) to control us.
For writing, that means sitting down with your calendar or planner each week and blocking off chunks of time dedicated to writing. When something is on your calendar, you are more likely to accomplish it.
Your challenge for today involves scheduling your writing for this week. If you have already set aside time almost every day to write, congratulations, you are on your way to a successful week of writing. If you have not already scheduled writing for this week, follow the steps below.
- Get out your calendar and evaluate your week. Where do you have free blocks of time? These time segments do not need to be large, just available.
- With the available times, think about where you think you would be most successful writing. Do you write better in the morning? Afternoon? Evening?
- Block off at least one 20-minute segment of time each day (or at least five days during the week) that aligns with when you think you will be most successful writing. These times can be consistent each day or just where you have space. If you have been writing consistently for smaller blocks of time, challenge yourself to increase your time blocks. Maybe add five minutes to each one.
- Now sit back and admire your organization. 🙂 You have set up your week for writing success.