Bit #27 – Surround Yourself with Positivity

Imagine this scenario…
You go to a party one evening, and the people you sit next to are complaining about the food, the music, the ambiance, etc. As a result, you would probably leave the party with the impression that it had been a terrible party or a wasted evening. Truth be told, you probably would not have minded the food or the environment, but the complaining is contagious.
But, if you went to the same party and instead sat next to people who were raving about the food, the music, the ambiance, etc., you would leave thinking the party was great.
This scenario applies to every aspect of our life, but definitely to writing.
If you surround yourself with people who are optimistic and positive about writing, you will feel better about yourself as a writer and the task of writing. So, begin searching for people who are positive about writing this week. This mindset will take you far in your writing productivity.