Bit #4 – Generating vs. Editing
Gone are the days (or they should be) when we sit down, write a sentence, edit it until it is a beautiful work of art, then move on to the next sentence. This practice leads to low productivity, decreased flow of ideas, and dreaded writing sessions. Instead, we should separate the tasks of generating text (quickly getting words down on paper) and editing text (slowly making those words beautiful). Most of your writing time should be spent editing. Get the generating out of the way so you can focus on making your message strong.
When you separate the generating and editing tasks, you will be amazed at how your writing habits will change. In each writing session (that you have lovingly scheduled into your calendar each day), you can choose from two options/models.
Option #1 – Split each writing session into two parts (fast writing for a period of time + slow editing for the remaining time)
Option #2- Use several sessions (the entire time slot) for generating (fast writing); use later sessions for (slow) editing
So, what does generating look like???
- Write about your topic non-stop for a set amount of time
- Write notes to yourself
- Jump around (you do not have to go in order)
- Use headings
- List points
- Talk to a recorder, then transcribe
- Aim for 6-7 pages/hr.
- Write from what is in your mind, do not stop to look at research, notes, or anything
- Ignore typos, citations, spelling, and grammar
- Put in placeholders (see below) instead of stopping

- Learn to accept initially messy drafts (shut up your inner critic, no one is going to see your messy draft)
- You need to generate words. Messy drafts, with good editing, become amazing works.